March 19, 2014

I'm Just a Summer Girl

Helene In Between

...duh, it's summer!

No, but really: I have no idea why I live in Minnesota because I really cannot stand the snow and winter months. I think I'm even more excited for summer this year because I will have my own place with my own balcony!


Reasons I am excited for summer

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+ Outdoor concerts. My town has Down by the Riverside every summer with free outdoor concerts. Plus, there are always a lot of outdoor country concerts. Hopefully I can make it to one? Not sure with my work schedule though.

+ Sunshine, warm weather, leaving windows and doors open.

+ Summer fashion! I live in dresses, skirts, and sandals during the summer and I am so excited to start wearing them again.

+ No. Snow. Enough said.

+ Grilling out with a cold beer in hand.

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+ Being in the car with the windows rolled down and the wind blowing with some country music cranked up.

+ Being able to walk places without worrying about...oh, ya know...frostbite.

+ Not having to wear a huge winter coat

+ It stays light out until practically 9:00pm

Favorite thing about summer. And....GO!
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1 comment:

  1. grilling out on the warm summer nights really is the best thing, it needs to hurry up!
