July 29, 2013

Nanny 101

Even though I've only been nannying for a month now, I feel like I have developed somewhat of a list of the downsides to being a nanny. Of course, this pales in comparison to the positives: getting paid to do basically nothing.

Lunch consists of chicken nuggets, sandwiches, & Macaroni & Cheese.

You eventually realize how much you suck at Just Dance on the Wii. Seriously, no ability to do that game.

Watching your fair share of Good Luck Charlie, Jessie, Full House, & Lego Nijago.

Siblings, when close in age, fight over the smallest things. And threaten to tattle on  everything.

If you want to play music, it has to be Hannah Montana, Selena Gomez, or something of the sort.

If you've ever been a nanny, do you have any funny things you've learned?

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  1. I've never been a nanny but I'm a mommy and I agree with you. Just wait til you start singing all the theme songs to those shows.

  2. I was a nanny for almost 2 years solidly. Count your lucky stars that you work for a family that allows their kids to watch tv and play WII. Otherwise you'll be saying you don't get paid enough! ;) xx

  3. I've never been a nanny but getting paid to watch some Full House sounds awesome lol

  4. This sounds exactly why I don't want to be a stay at home mom when the time comes, lol.
