February 3, 2014

Fangirling 101

Hi. My name is Breanna and I'm a fangirl.
Nice to meet you, Breanna.

Now I want to change your mind about fangirling. It doesn't just apply to tweens who love the Jonas Brothers. Teens who are obsessed with One Direction. Oh no no no.

I am a fangirl over SVU. That's Law and Order: Special Victims Unit for you newbies. Specifically Brian Cassidy and Olivia Benson (Bensidy, duh) and their all-consuming love for each other. Just go with it.

Kind of an odd thing, I guess. But you probably obsess over who Juan-Pablo is going to give a rose to this week. Or what outfit Olivia from Scandal is going to wear on the next episode. I just happen to obsess over a different Olivia.

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This whole fangirl thing actually didn't really start until September. I mean, I've been a fan of SVU for years now, but not this level. This season is just that. darn. good.

Lately, my fangirling (& everyone elses) has totally gotten out of hand because of this:

 Olivia Benson may be freakin' pregnant. Like...don't even.

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Surprisingly, fangirls unite on Twitter like no other. I've tweeted with a few girls over our SVU bond. People I probably never would have learned about before this. Everyone is so diverse: different backgrounds, different ages, heck, even different countries. It's actually kind of amazing. Connecting with the writers and executive producers of the show is another little perk.

But back to fangirling. You've probably noticed by my 10 million tweets about Bensidy, Olivia, Brian, #BossBenson, #BadassBenson, #PregnancyTestBenson, #BoozyBenson. Some of you probably got sick of it and clicked that unfollow button. That's okay. See ya later :)

Before I go further, I should probably introduce you to a bit of fangirl vocabulary. Because there are some abbreviations I didn't even know before I started this.

OTP: One True Pairing aka the couple you absolutely love forever and ever and will never break up.
NOTP: Opposite of OTP. Your least favorite couple.
Canon: Official. Example: My OTP is Canon. This says that the couple I am in love with is officially together in the show.
bae: "before anyone else". That person who is so awesome and the best and really important.
Ship: Short for relationship. A "shipper" is one who supports a certain relationship.
Feels: Short for feelings. Strong emotional reaction or investment into something.

Breanna's examples: My OTP is Bensidy. I ship them hard and they give me major feels. I don't care what you say: they are canon. Olivia and Brian are bae. Elliot and Olivia? Ugh, NOTP. Please stop shipping them.

Any questions?

I've compiled here a few signs that show you might be a fangirl:

+ Someone insults your OTP.

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+ Your clever tweet about a storyline that took you 5 minutes to compose perfectly gets 25 retweets.

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+ You get super excited when your favorite character might be pregnant and someone says she's probably going through menopause.

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+ The executive producer and writer of your show say the couple you love are going to "be under a lot of stress".

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+ [Insert favorite TV couple here] are never going to last. Bring back [insert former love/partner/friend here]!

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+ Someone who works on the show posts hidden meanings behind a storyline or future episode.

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+ You find like-minded Twitter people to obsess with you.

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+ Your favorite celebrity retweets/replies to you on Twitter.

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+ Characters you love are leaving the show.

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+ Everyone keeps posting cute pictures of your favorite couple.

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+ Everything bad keeps happening to your favorite character.

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+ A 26 second promo for next week's episode has you in a bigger tizzy than waiting 3 months for the premiere of the new season.

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+ You sit through an entire talk show or award show just to see your bae.

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+ You follow a bunch of fanfiction stories and 3 of the writers updated in one night.

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+ You have your own vocab.

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+ You blame the writers of the show for all your anxiety and trust issues.

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+ Jenna Marbles' SVU video is your life. For the most part.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. I enjoyed compiling it.

Are you a fangirl?
And just for kicks...

It's hard out there for a pimp fangirl.

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  1. yup. mine is Scandal. for sure. I've been doing a countdown on my blog till it returns and on the 16th I'm supposed to do 2 favorite characters and on the 23rd it's my OTP. Well, my 2 faves ARE my OTP, duh! lol.

  2. I'm a fangirl for Chicago Fire, Brantley Gilbert & Blake Shelton, possibly all of country music ha!

  3. AAANdddddd guess what I am watching on TV RIGHT THIS MINUTE???? SVU...yup!
    My hubby was hooked on it and it took awhile for this to happen, wellll he may have been restrained and forced to watch, but either way, We are watching it now!

    so i'll come back in a few..
    Andie's Traveling Pants
