December 31, 2012

This Weekend I...

This weekend was pretty low key. Saturday morning, I went shopping and bought another plaid shirt (I think I have a problem??). And Starbucks. While wearing my red lipstick. 


Saturday night, I went over to my friend Beth's place with Sarah & Cait to have our little Christmas celebration. We ate some yummy food, gossiped, and watched Pitch Perfect, which is HILARIOUS!


We also took a bunch of selfies with Beth's iPad. Because that is what you do when you are a grown-up teacher and given an iPad for work. You take pictures with your BFF's.

This isn't even half of them. We took like 80-some. In a row. Switching out the picture-taker each time. 

We're awesome.

1 comment:

  1. haha This looks like fun! I love plaid too...It's addicting! I haven't seen pitch perfect yet, but I want too. I may have to rent it this weekend!
