August 10, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Beth & Sarah,
Spending 3 hours at Dunn Brothers catching up was exactly what I needed! I can't wait for all our fun future adventures we just HAVE to start planning!

Dear Caitlin,
Hope you're having fun in Prince Edward Island (even though I should definitely be there with you!). Can't wait until you get back on the 20th so we can have one last girls night with all 4 of us!

Dear School,
Please stop sneaking up on me. I move in 2 weeks from Sunday & have almost nothing ready, cleaned, or packed. 

Dear Motivation,
Please kick in so I'm not packing things the night before moving in. This may or may not have happened 3 years ago. Bad decision.

Dear Ford,
You're being a little trouble maker today. Chill the heck out.

Dear Whoever-Called-Me-Yesterday,
I'm sorry I didn't answer the phone. I literally sat there the whole time it was ringing trying to figure out how to answer it until it went to voicemail. I now know how to answer my smartphone (baha!) so feel free to call again.

Dear Luke Bryan,
Thank you for singing "The Boom-Boom Song" as my 2 year old cousin calls it. Highly entertaining. And a great song!


  1. What great letters! Have a great weekend!


  2. Cute letters, I found you on the link up!

