February 21, 2014

My Ode to Winter

DONE. by The Band Perry on Grooveshark

Winter, you're a bitch. Yeah, I said it.

You know the kind of heavy, wet, gross snow where the only way you can shovel out your driveway is with a snowplow or snowblower. Which, OH YEAH, you don't have? And where over 3000 people lost power because the transformer blew?

If your answer is no, I don't want to hear it today.

I still love you though.

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  1. oh my! how can you live in MN and not have a snow blower or plow! yikes! I'm in eastern MN, and I couldn't imagine if we didn't have our snow blower! good luck!

  2. All of these pictures of the snow that I keep seeing are not making me miss Minnesota one bit.

  3. Minnesota is SUCH a mess this year. SO BAD!
