January 9, 2014

Notes on Nursing: Kevin's Review - What Should You Use to Prep for the NCLEX? [Sponsored Post]

I was recently asked to write a review of my experience with the Kaplan NCLEX review course on this new site called Kevin's Review. Of course, I had to agree because I love helping nursing students. As someone who has gone through the whole crazy ride of nursing school, reviewing for the NCLEX, and then taking the NCLEX, I told myself after finishing that I would do all I could to help others going through it.

Kevin's website is so easy to navigate and is organized in the best way to find what you are looking for. There are over twenty different NCLEX review courses and books, of which many have multiple reviews from nurses who have actually used these resources. Not every review is five stars, so you know people are giving their honest opinion about what worked and what didn't.

As far as taking the time to write an actual review, I was guided right to a page that showed what course I was reviewing, how I would be compensated, and the text box to write. Most helpful was a list of questions guiding what I could talk about in my review. I'll be honest, when I first said I would review this course, I was a little overwhelmed, as there is so much I could talk about (and I did a little on this blog back in February), but the questions helped me with a general overview of everything a nursing student would want to know before purchasing the class review.

All in all, Kevin's Review was very well organized and easy to find what I came looking for. If your nursing school doesn't incorporate a review class or book in its curriculum or tuition, this website would be of the utmost help when it comes time to thinking about preparing for the NCLEX. Kevin also provides help with the NCLEX application, lists some free NCLEX review sources, and, for you non-nursing types, he has also expanded his website to start reviewing streaming devices. Lastly, Kevin is a nurse, so you know this is coming from someone who wants to help out as best as he can.

If you'd like to read my comprehensive review of the Kaplan NCLEX Review course, click here.

Finally, I know you haven't seen Notes on Nursing around these parts in a while, but I would love to get the ball rolling again. If you are a nurse (RN or LPN), nursing student, or someone who wants to talk about their/their family/friends experience as a patient and the nurses that helped you/them, e-mail me or leave a comment. If you already participated a few months ago, but want to update us on your transition from nursing student to nurse or to a new job, I'd love to have you back!

I was compensated for writing a course review & a blog post about the experience.

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