December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve with You

Christmas Eve is, hands down, my favorite day of the entire year.

After 4:30pm church, my whole family - aunts, uncles, cousins - gathers at my Grandma's house. We all bake delicious food and catch up on life. The kids pester the adults about when it will be time to open presents. The adults drink, eat, and laugh.

When I was little, a neighborhood man used to dress up as Santa and come give us candy canes. Apparently, I didn't want to get my picture taken in the year pictured above, as I am hiding behind my candy cane.

Each year our family has grown, as the cousins have started getting married and having kids of their own. The house is packed. But I love it so much.

Then, when it's time to gather around in one room to open presents, we each take turns - from youngest to oldest - opening presents. It's always a test of patience for the young ones to wait their turn.

Slowly, the night winds down around 10:30pm and everyone goes home to their beds, with promises to the kids about going to sleep and Santa will come.

I hope you are spending tonight doing something special with your loved ones. Have a wonderful Christmas Eve!

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