August 24, 2012

Friday's Letters

AKA My last blog post from Minnesota until November or December!


 Dear Laundry,
If you could wash yourself, that would be pretty cool. Seeing as I have 4 loads to wash before tomorrow morning. No prob, no prob.

Dear Saturday,
Please don't be too hot. I have to move my sister into the 3rd floor of her air-conditioner-less dorm room & would really appreciate it.

Dear Vanderbilt University Hospital Nurse Residency Program,
Your application is super long & involved. Still don't know if I should actually complete it. But I love Nashville so much, I just might.

Dear Luther College,
Please take it easy on me this semester. I do have a senior paper to write & all most of my friends already graduated. This is going to be interesting...

Dear Birthday,
You are going to suck this year. Not only am I turning 24 & that much closer to 30, but I have clinical from 8-10:30am, class from 11am-1:15pm, and more clinical from 2:30-10pm. And my senior paper is due the next day. Wow. Fabulous.

Dear Readers,
Wish me luck this weekend! I'll be posting from good ole Decorah, Iowa starting Monday!


  1. Idea! celebrate BIRTHDAY WEEK since your birthDAY is going to be crazy! haha, part of being an adult I guess. I had work meetings scheduled on my bday (AND our anniversary!) for 2012. lame! hope you find a way to make it fun, given the circumstances! :)

  2. hope its not too hot for the move!

    Happy Friday! have a great weekend! Drop by and say hello!
